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Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Women Win Facebook, Twitter, Zynga; Men Get LinkedIn, Reddit [INFOGRAPHIC]

Women Win Facebook, Twitter, Zynga; Men Get LinkedIn, Reddit [INFOGRAPHIC]:

When it comes to the sexes on social media, there are a few places where the battle lines seem settled. It probably won't surprise you to learn, for example, that men are from Google+ and women are from Pinterest.
But when it comes to the two dominant social networks -- Facebook and Twitter -- you may be shocked to discover that women are now in the majority on both services. Not only that, but they're posting far more frequently on Facebook than their slowpoke male counterparts can manage.
Online gaming, once a bastion of men, has fallen to the females as well. Zynga is by far the largest online gaming network, with 250 million players logging on every month; 60% of those players are…
Source: Google Reader
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More About: battle of the sexes, Facebook, linkedin, reddit, Twitter

CERN Confirms Existence of a Particle Consistent With Higgs Boson

CERN Confirms Existence of a Particle Consistent With Higgs Boson:

CERN's scientists have found a new boson within five standard deviations of accuracy. The new particle is the heaviest boson ever found and it's "consistent" with the Higgs boson.
At a press conference in Melbourne Wednesday morning, CERN's experts said the evidence for the particle's existence was observed in the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland.
The ATLAS experiment, also on the lookout for the elusive particle that is said to give all universe size and shape, will be announcing its experiments later today.
By combining data sets from both experiments, the researchers are able to confirm the existence of the particle with even bigger certainty…
Source: Google Reader
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More About: Higgs boson, trending

Mormon Church Uses Facebook, Apps to Increase Political Outreach

Mormon Church Uses Facebook, Apps to Increase Political Outreach:

Members of Jesus Christ's Church of Latter Day Saints have begun leveraging their evangelizing networks through smartphone apps to help draw support for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. By employing specialized apps like LDS Tools to gather phone numbers and addresses of Mormon church members, political supporters can cross-check the contact info with voter registration data to contact other Romney backers.
However, Mormon church rules forbid the use of LDS resources for political purposes. Dave Isbell, a Nevada Mormon, tells CNN, the apps are being used despite official church policy.
"The church makes it really easy for you to get a hold of anyone in your ward," Isbell says. "I…
Source: Google Reader
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More About: Facebook, Mitt Romney, mormon, religion, US politics