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Monday, 22 September 2014

Reminder: Can you endorse me?

MomenulCan you endorse me?

I am sending this to ask for your endorsement which will help me build my profile on PeoplePerHour and win more work.

PeoplePerHour is a talent community based on trust and reputation, where you can get any Job Done remotely within hours.

Thanks in advance for helping me out!

Momenul Ahmad
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[New announcement] NICU News

Read the latest news from Wendy McKenney
Announcement in NICU News
Announcement from NICU News
Wendy McKenney
APRN at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Some time ago I sent an announcement that NICU NEWS was looking for a new owner and requesting that interested parties contact me to discuss their ideas for this group.

I want you all to know that a new owner has been found and is ready to take over the group leadership.

Please extend a warm welcome to Nick Hall who is the founder and President of Graham's Foundation.
Please also welcome Christa Terry who will help Nick manage the list. She is the director of communications for Graham's Foundation.

Graham's Foundation is the premier global organization for parents going through the journey of prematurity. It offers resources, programs, and connections so parents are supported, empowered and hopeful throughout their journey. Graham's Foundation is committed to a world where no parent goes through the journey of prematurity alone.

Nick is eager to get started and will be a terrific new owner for NICU NEWS and a great addition to LinkedIn's Groups. I wholeheartedly endorse Nick and his foundation as a new leader of this group and look forward to his direction, vision and mission going forward.

Wendy McKenney, MS, APRN
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Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubcribe here
This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
©2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

[New announcement] Dubai Recruitment

Read the latest news from Adil Ahmed
Dubai Recruitment
Announcement in Dubai Recruitment
Looking to network with fellow expats?
Adil Ahmed
Owner, LinkYou.info
Looking for a job? InterNations can help you in the following ways:

• Get to know members of InterNations vibrant expat communities, online and offline.

• Network and meet other professionals in Dubai at first class events.

• Find insider tips on getting a job in Dubai.

• Connect and make worthwhile business connections.

• Build your online personal international profile and start networking today!

Join InterNations today for FREE by clicking here

Kindest Regards,

Note:- Only Dubai Jobs at http://www.DubaiRec.com posted today
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Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubcribe here
This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
©2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

News about Momenul and other latest on PeoplePerHour

News about Momenul and other latest on PeoplePerHour


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[New announcement] Bursa Kerja Indonesia

Read the latest news from Syahrezal .
Bursa Kerja Indonesia
Announcement in Bursa Kerja Indonesia
Syahrezal .
Senior Consultant at MS Consulting

Dalam rangka mengembangkan program paket pelatihan yang akan kami promosikan di tahun 2015, kami membutuhkan trainer-trainer freelance berpengalaman yang ingin bergabung dalam manajemen kami.

Syarat & Ketentuan:
- Memiliki pengalaman praktis di bidangnya
- Menyukai bidang pelatihan
- Memiliki modul-modul materi pelatihan manajemen & bisnis
- Bersedia membuat & menyerahkan modul promosi untuk setiap materi

Jika anda berminat, kirimkan CV anda ke alamat email : syahrezal@gmail.com



Jika perusahaan anda sedang merencanakan untuk membangun sistem IT berbasis ERP di tahun 2015, mungkin penawaran kami ini bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan referensi anda.

"The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential." -- STEVE BALLMER

Information Technology (IT) sudah menjadi bagian dari kegiatan bisnis di era modern saat ini. Gadget dan software aplikasi pendukungnya merupakan peralatan yang sepertinya wajib dimiliki oleh pelaku bisnis dalam menjalankan usahanya. Kemajuan teknologi memungkin pelaku bisnis berkomunikasi, mengakses data, melakukan monitoring serta menganalisis data perusahaan tanpa batasan ruang dan waktu. – "Solusi yang kami miliki memungkinkan anda untuk memantau kegiatan perusahaan di manapun dan kapanpun anda berada."

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) merupakan software yang berfungsi mengintegrasikan sistem informasi manajemen baik untuk tingkat departemen/divisi/cabang maupun pelaporan kepada eksekutif puncak perusahaan. Sudah banyak perusahaan skala menengah besar atau MNC yang menggunakan ERP System sebagai pendukung operasionalnya dan terbukti mampu menjadi solusi dalam mencapai rencana strategis operasional perusahaan. ERP System dari kami juga dirancang untuk memudahkan karyawan anda dalam bekerja sehingga mengurangi stress beban pekerjaan mereka. – "Kami memperhatikan kemudahan karyawan anda dalam melakukan kontrol, monitoring dan eksekusi proses kerja di perusahaan. Dengan dukungan ERP System dari kami, para eksekutif anda dapat memperoleh data-data terkini di perusahaan sehingga memudahkan mereka dalam membuat keputusan bisnis dengan cepat dan akurat. Karyawan anda happy, perusahaan anda untung..."

Kami memiliki modul ERP yang bisa dijalankan terpisah maupun terintegrasikan dengan modul-modul lainnya. Modul-modul ERP yang kami miliki, antara lain: CRM, SALES MANAGEMENT, ACCOUNTING & FINANCE, PURCHASE MANAGEMENT, MANUFACTURING, WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT, PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES. Masing-masing modul tersebut dapat di-customize sesuai kondisi dan aktifitas bisnis perusahaan anda. Oleh karenanya ERP System dari kami merupakan solusi yang handal untuk menjawab kebutuhan anda akan Manajemen Sistem Informasi yang cepat dan akurat dengan harga yang relatif terjangkau dibandingkan produk ERP sejenis.

Kami menawarkan kepada anda Solusi IT dan Manajemen Sistem Informasi yang mungkin untuk diterapkan di berbagai jenis sektor usaha, antara lain:


# Tersedia pula ERP System untuk perusahaan skala sedang dan menengah dengan harga yang relatif terjangkau #

Untuk permintaan presentasi dan penawaran harga, anda bisa menghubungi kami melalui contact person sebagai berikut:

Email: syahrezal@gmail.com
Phone: +62 815 14570545
BBM (Pin 766F598F) atau WhatsApp

"Promoted by MS CONSULTING, Owner of Bursa Kerja Indonesia Group"
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Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubcribe here
This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
©2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland