- Group: Physician Job Opportunities USA
- Subject: Announcement from Physician Job Opportunities USA
Thank you for joining our LinkedIn group Physician Job Opportunities USA for more job opportunities. New MD jobs avail in US, Canada, Dubai If you are looking for a new job opportunity and would like assistance finding a new job, please send your job preferences and we can send you open job opportunities. Some of our open physician jobs are available in the link below: http://www.postjobfree.com/jobs?q=%27executive+staff+recruiters%27+and +physician&l=&radius=25 You also are welcome to reply if you are looking for a new job. thank you, Managing Director www.linkedin.com/pub/russell-mazelsky-bs-ms-phd-abd/0/547/b30/ email: executivestaffrecruiters@hotmail.com Posted By Russell Mazelsky (BS, MS, PhD abd) |