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Thursday, 29 January 2015

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Bekerja dengan pelanggan antarabangsa, menuntut pelbagai perkhidmatan terjemahan profesional. Sebagai agensi terjemahan kami berfikir, bercakap dan bertindak dengan prinsip global.
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Cara Memohon:

Isi borang permohonan >> http://j.gs/162639/employmentform

Khidmat Mencari Jodoh Untuk Wanita - CariJodohClub.co.nr

Adakah anda masih mencari-cari calon jodoh   anda? malu untuk mencari pasangan idaman secara terbuka? 
Cari Jodoh Club (CJC) adalah medium untuk anda meletakkan iklan mencari jodoh,

dan berkenalan dengan ahli-ahli Kelab yang juga sedang mencari Jodoh.

Perkhidmatan mencari jodoh ini terbuka ke seluruh Malaysia :
Johor, Kedah, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, N. Sembilan, Pahang, Perak,   Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Terenganu, Pulau Pinang, Labuan,   Cyberjaya, Putrajaya dan Kelantan,
Isikan borang mencari jodoh disini -> http://j.gs/162639/borangahli
~ Daripada Mu'awiyah al-Qusyairi katanya, Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang maksudnya: "Ketahuilah orang yang hadir hendaklah menyampaikan kepada orang yang tidak hadir."

(al-Bukhari Muslim dan Ibnu Majah,)

...mungkin ada kenalan anda sedang mencari Info dalam emel ini, mengapa tidak kongsi  dengan mereka? menerusi.. Gmail / Myspace / Facebook / YM / Twitter.

[New announcement] Complimentary Subscription to The Scientist Magazine

The Scientist is the magazine for life science professionals -- a publication dedicated to covering a wide range of topics central to the study of cell and molecular biology, genetics, and other life-science fields. http://bit.ly/TheScientistMag
Through innovative print articles, online stories, and multimedia features, the magazine explores the latest scientific discoveries, trends in research, innovative techniques, new technology, business, and careers. It is read by leading researchers in industry and academia who value penetrating analyses and broad perspectives on life-science topics both within and beyond their areas of expertise. Written by prominent scientists and professional journalists, articles in The Scientist are concise, accurate, accessible, and entertaining.

Subscribe Free http://bit.ly/TheScientistMag (limited copies available)
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Announcement in Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Complimentary Subscription to The Scientist Magazine
Paul Healy
Director, International Healthcare Recruitment [IHR]
The Scientist is the magazine for life science professionals -- a publication dedicated to covering a wide range of topics central to the study of cell and molecular biology, genetics, and other life-science fields. http://bit.ly/TheScientistMag
Through innovative print articles, online stories, and multimedia features, the magazine explores the latest scientific discoveries, trends in research, innovative techniques, new technology, business, and careers. It is read by leading researchers in industry and academia who value penetrating analyses and broad perspectives on life-science topics both within and beyond their areas of expertise. Written by prominent scientists and professional journalists, articles in The Scientist are concise, accurate, accessible, and entertaining.

Subscribe Free http://bit.ly/TheScientistMag (limited copies available)
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This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Limited.
Registered in Ireland as a private limited company, Company Number 477441
Registered Office: Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

[New announcement] Announcement from Physician Job Opportunities USA

To: Friend

I want to give you the gift of a better job or
employment in general

Please email me directly.

email: executivestaffrecruiters@hotmail.com

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Physician Job Opportunities USA
Announcement in Physician Job Opportunities USA
Announcement from Physician Job Opportunities USA
Russell Mazelsky (BS, MS, PhD abd)
Sr. Executive Healthcare & IT Placement / Sr. Data Architect Almost 10k MEMBERS AND OPEN JOBS
To: Friend

I want to give you the gift of a better job or
employment in general

Please email me directly.

email: executivestaffrecruiters@hotmail.com

Connect to me on LinkedIn:
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© 2015 LinkedIn Ireland Limited. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubscribe here
This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Limited.
Registered in Ireland as a private limited company, Company Number 477441
Registered Office: Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland