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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Dropbox Confirms Security Breach And Two Other Stories You Need to Know

Dropbox Confirms Security Breach And Two Other Stories You Need to Know:

Social Media NewsWelcome to this morning's edition of 'First To Know,' a series in which we keep you in the know on what's happening in the digital world. Today, we're looking at three particularly interesting stories.

Dropbox Confirms Security Breach

Dropbox has confirmed that recent reports about spam from its users were a result of a security breach.

"Our investigation found that usernames and passwords recently stolen from other websites were used to sign in to a small number of Dropbox accounts. We’ve contacted these users and have helped them protect their accounts," said Dropbox.

The company promised to improve security for its users, outlining new measures in a blog post.

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More About: Dropbox, features, first to know series, mashable

Source:Google Reader

Pepper-Spraying Policeman No Longer Works for UC Davis

Pepper-Spraying Policeman No Longer Works for UC Davis:

The police officer who doused students with pepper spray during Occupy Wall Street protests at the University of California, Davis, is no longer employed by the University.

"Consistent with privacy guidelines established in state law and university policy, I can confirm that John Pike's employment with the university ended on July 31, 2012," UC Davis spokesman Barry Shiller told the Sacramento Bee.

Pike, who was on paid leave since the incident, declined to comment, and Shiller said he cannot disclose the exact reason why Pike was laid off.

Videos of the incident, which appeared on YouTube, sparked calls for Pike's resignation, as well as a wave of internet memes, joking with Pik…
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More About: pepper spray, uc davis

Source:Google Reader

Toshiba Tec and IBM Announce Initial Closing of Acquisition of IBM’s Retail Store Solutions Business and Formation of Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions

Toshiba Tec and IBM Announce Initial Closing of Acquisition of IBM’s Retail Store Solutions Business and Formation of Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions: Toshiba Tec Corporation and IBM today announced the initial closing of the transaction in which Toshiba Tec will acquire IBM’s Retail Store Solutions (RSS) business. The agreement was announced on April 17, 2012.

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Merawat Motherboard

Merawat Motherboard: MERAWAT MOTHERBOARD

Motherboard atau mainboard ini sangat penting untuk kelancaran proses data karena semua komponen mulai dari prosesor, memori, media penyimpan data (storage), komponen InputOutput (I/O), kartu-kartu (cards) tertancap pada mainboard ini. Aga r mainboard ini bisa lebih lama atau awet dalam pemakaian maka perlu diperhatikan tips singkat berikut ini : 1. Gunakanlah Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) dan stavolt sebagai pengaman tegangan listrik sehingga tidak terjadinya pengaruh terhadap kinerja mainboard apabila terjadi perubahan tegangan listrik secara tiba-tiba. 2. Perhatika

Source:Google Reader

6732 Überlieferung .... Sakramente .... Sakramentale Wirkung ....

6732 Überlieferung .... Sakramente .... Sakramentale Wirkung ....: GOTTES WORT ... durch Bertha Dudde.
Für die gegenwärtige Zeit sind aus christlicher Sicht die Offenbarungen durch Bertha Dudde hochaktuell. Zeitgeist und Weltgeschehen bestätigen fast täglich die Erfüllung dieser Prophezeiungen.

— Herausgegeben von Freunden der Neuoffenbarung — Weiterführende Informationen, Bezug aller Kundgaben, CD-ROM, Bücher, Themenhefte usw. im Internet unter:
http://www.bertha-dudde.info --- http://www.bertha-dudde.org

- kein copyright - Die Verbreitung der Kundgaben ist sehr erwünscht.
Es sind nur ganze Kundgaben ohne jegliche Veränderung weiterzugeben.

Source:Google Reader


COISAS PARA O ESCRITÓRIO: Obs.: o que estiver escrito “deixa comigo” é porque eu irei arrumar. Veja se vocês se lembram de algo mais. PARA O ESCRITÓRIO É NECESSÁRIO: Mobília e outros para trabalhar: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 01 Computador (configuração mínima-> 2 GB memória RAM/ 360 GB de HD/ leitor de CD e DVD) -> entre R$1.300,00 a R$2.000,00 01 Impressora multifuncional -> entre R$250,00 a R$400,00 Pen-drive de 4 Gb -> entre R$35,00 a R$60,00 01 Telefone -> entre R$120,00 a R$180,00 01 Arquivo -> entre R$300,00 a R$400,00 01 Armário -> entre R$180,00 a R$300,00 01 Mesa -> entre R$350,00 a R$400,0

Source:Google Reader

Netbook for Grandma

Netbook for Grandma: Forum: What Notebook Should I Buy?
Posted By: Bray Matter
Post Time: 07-31-2012 at 10:56 PM

Source:Google Reader

Google delays Nexus Q release to add improvements

Google delays Nexus Q release to add improvements: Google delays Nexus Q release to add improvements

Tech giant wants to make media hub "even better", but US pre-order customers will now receive product for free.

Read more: http://www.itproportal.com/2012/08/01/google-delays-nexus-q-release-to-add-improvements/

Source:Google Reader

A close look at Xeon Phi, Intel's 50-core beast

A close look at Xeon Phi, Intel's 50-core beast: A close look at Xeon Phi, Intel's 50-core beast

We take an in-depth look at the ins-and-outs of Intel’s Xeon Phi, which is shaping up to be a major contender in the HPC space.

Read more: http://www.itproportal.com/2012/08/01/a-close-look-at-xeon-phi-intels-50-core-beast/

Source:Google Reader

Antec Dark Fleet DF-35 Mid Tower Gaming Computer Case $54.99AR Free Shipping at Newegg

Antec Dark Fleet DF-35 Mid Tower Gaming Computer Case $54.99AR Free Shipping at Newegg: Newegg Promo Code

Source:Google Reader