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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

[New announcement] Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment

Read the latest news from Paul Healy
Pharmaceutical Jobs  Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Announcement in Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
BioPharma Dive: Special Offer for Group Members
Paul Healy
Director, International Healthcare Recruitment [IHR]
The biotech and pharma space is evolving at a breakneck pace. It's increasingly difficult to keep up with the news and information you need to stay ahead. That is why I am is pleased to offer group members a FREE subscription to BioPharma Dive - a new source for industry executives.

Subscribe today: bit.ly/BioPharma-Dive-IHR

Optimized specifically for mobile, BioPharma Dive writes quick hits that keep even the busiest industry executive informed and moving. It is a review of our industry in 60 seconds.

BioPharma Dive covers the topics moving the industry today:

- Clinical Trials
- FDA Regulations & Approvals
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Partnering
- Drug Pipelines
- Generics
- Pharma Marketing
- and more

You can activate your free subscription at the following link: bit.ly/BioPharma-Dive-IHR

I hope you enjoy BioPharma Dive.

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This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
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