Wii U power debate: Iwata swears it will keep up with next-gen. Microsoft says 'it's a 360': Just how futureproofed is Wii U? Will the next generation really be so similar to this generation that Wii U can handle ports of next-gen games? Nintendo thinks so. Yet Microsoft reckons all they'll get is current-gen leftovers. OK, ding ding - FIGHT!
Source: Google Reader
Edge iPad Edition is out now - half price and fully revolutionary: Edge, the most respected videogames magazine in the world, is now available in lush interactive form on iPad. Download the first issue today for the special launch price of just £1.99 / $2.99 and also get a free iOS game!
Source: Google Reader
How to Use Smart Motion Gestures on the Samsung Galaxy S III: Ever wish your phone was a little more in tune with how you handle it? Maybe if you're texting someone and put the phone to your ear, it should know you wish to call that person, right? Well, thanks t...