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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

[New announcement] Sudahkah anda memiliki resolusi karir dan bisnis di tahun 2015? Sudahkah anda merencanakan cara mencapainya?

Apakah Anda termasuk orang yang sering membuat resolusi tahun baru tetapi selalu gagal melaksanakannya? Jangan khawatir, Anda tidak sendiri, banyak orang mengalami masalah seperti Anda. Hasil survei di Amerika menunjukkan hanya 8% orang yang berhasil melaksanakan resolusinya, sedangkan sebagian besar lainnya mengaku gagal sejak di minggu pertama.

Sebenarnya, membuat resolusi tahun baru dapat dianalogikan seperti memasukkan baju baru ke dalam lemari yang sudah penuh sesak. Tentunya baju baru tidak mungkin bisa dimasukkan, kecuali kita menyingkirkan terlebih dahulu pakaian lama yang sudah tidak terpakai. Diri kita seperti lemari yang sudah penuh sesak tadi. Diri kita dipenuhi oleh berbagai kebiasaan yang sudah terbentuk selama bertahun-tahun. Apabila kita ingin membangun kebiasaan baru yang merupakan resolusi kita, maka kita harus membuang kebiasaan lama yang tidak berguna agar tercipta ruang untuk terbentuknya kebiasaan baru.

Jelaslah bahwa untuk melaksanakan satu resolusi, kita perlu mengubah banyak kebiasaan lama. Kita tidak akan dapat memiliki kebiasaan baru tanpa mengubah kebiasaan-kebiasaan lama yang menghambat kebiasaan baru itu terbentuk. Tanpa kesadaran ini, resolusi yang kita buat setiap tahun akan selalu gagal di minggu pertama.

Sumber : http://lifestyle.kompasiana.com/catatan/2014/12/30/resolusi-tahun-baru-anda-sering-gagal-ini-dia-alasannya--713531.html

Informasi Program Training untuk mendukung resolusi karir dan bisnis anda:


Kami membuka kelas public untuk topik pelatihan Performance Appraisal, Leadership dan Business Plan. Untuk informasi lengkap anda bisa mengunduh (download) e-brochure dari web blog kami di atas. Untuk pendaftaran harap mengirimkan nama lengkap, perusahaan, alamat, telpon/hp, email, dan judul pelatihan yang ingin diikuti melalui email kepada syahrezal@gmail.com

Informasi jasa penyusunan SOP, perbaikan sistem manajemen mutu perusahaan dan rekrutmen karyawan harap menghubungi kami di nomer HP +62 815 1457 0545 atau email syahrezal@gmail.com

Kerjasama untuk pemasaran produk/jasa yang anda miliki, hubungi kami via BBM (PIN 766F598F) atau WhatsApp (081514570545).


Organized by MS Consulting
Owner of Group Bursa Kerja Indonesia
Bursa Kerja Indonesia
Announcement in Bursa Kerja Indonesia
Sudahkah anda memiliki resolusi karir dan bisnis di tahun 2015? Sudahkah anda merencanakan cara mencapainya?
Syahrezal .
Senior Consultant at MS Consulting
Apakah Anda termasuk orang yang sering membuat resolusi tahun baru tetapi selalu gagal melaksanakannya? Jangan khawatir, Anda tidak sendiri, banyak orang mengalami masalah seperti Anda. Hasil survei di Amerika menunjukkan hanya 8% orang yang berhasil melaksanakan resolusinya, sedangkan sebagian besar lainnya mengaku gagal sejak di minggu pertama.

Sebenarnya, membuat resolusi tahun baru dapat dianalogikan seperti memasukkan baju baru ke dalam lemari yang sudah penuh sesak. Tentunya baju baru tidak mungkin bisa dimasukkan, kecuali kita menyingkirkan terlebih dahulu pakaian lama yang sudah tidak terpakai. Diri kita seperti lemari yang sudah penuh sesak tadi. Diri kita dipenuhi oleh berbagai kebiasaan yang sudah terbentuk selama bertahun-tahun. Apabila kita ingin membangun kebiasaan baru yang merupakan resolusi kita, maka kita harus membuang kebiasaan lama yang tidak berguna agar tercipta ruang untuk terbentuknya kebiasaan baru.

Jelaslah bahwa untuk melaksanakan satu resolusi, kita perlu mengubah banyak kebiasaan lama. Kita tidak akan dapat memiliki kebiasaan baru tanpa mengubah kebiasaan-kebiasaan lama yang menghambat kebiasaan baru itu terbentuk. Tanpa kesadaran ini, resolusi yang kita buat setiap tahun akan selalu gagal di minggu pertama.

Sumber : http://lifestyle.kompasiana.com/catatan/2014/12/30/resolusi-tahun-baru-anda-sering-gagal-ini-dia-alasannya--713531.html

Informasi Program Training untuk mendukung resolusi karir dan bisnis anda:


Kami membuka kelas public untuk topik pelatihan Performance Appraisal, Leadership dan Business Plan. Untuk informasi lengkap anda bisa mengunduh (download) e-brochure dari web blog kami di atas. Untuk pendaftaran harap mengirimkan nama lengkap, perusahaan, alamat, telpon/hp, email, dan judul pelatihan yang ingin diikuti melalui email kepada syahrezal@gmail.com

Informasi jasa penyusunan SOP, perbaikan sistem manajemen mutu perusahaan dan rekrutmen karyawan harap menghubungi kami di nomer HP +62 815 1457 0545 atau email syahrezal@gmail.com

Kerjasama untuk pemasaran produk/jasa yang anda miliki, hubungi kami via BBM (PIN 766F598F) atau WhatsApp (081514570545).


Organized by MS Consulting
Owner of Group Bursa Kerja Indonesia
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This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service.
© 2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Monday, 29 December 2014

[New announcement] Career Success - Get the job you want with tips from this free eBook!

This book will help you every step of the way during your job search. With information on career fairs, networking, interview preparation, etc., you'll be ready to land your new job in no time.
Here is a sneak peek into the topics included in this eBook:
Chapter 1: Looking for Jobs

Chapter 2: Thinking Positively

Chapter 3: Interviewing Skills

Chapter 4: Entry-Level Jobs

Chapter 5: Job Descriptions

Chapter 6: Must-Know Tips on Job Searches

Chapter 7: Online Job Searches

Chapter 8: Career Job Fairs

Chapter 9: Local Job Searches

Chapter 10: Identify Your Skills

Chapter 11: Ideal Resume

Chapter 12: Prepare for a Cold Call

Chapter 13: Being Invited

Chapter 14: How to Create Networking Contacts

Chapter 15: Follow Up & Network
Download this book today and get started on your successful career search.

Download FREE here: http://bit.ly/1xbY0WO
Pharmaceutical Jobs  Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Announcement in Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Career Success - Get the job you want with tips from this free eBook!
Paul Healy
Director, International Healthcare Recruitment [IHR]
This book will help you every step of the way during your job search. With information on career fairs, networking, interview preparation, etc., you'll be ready to land your new job in no time.
Here is a sneak peek into the topics included in this eBook:
Chapter 1: Looking for Jobs

Chapter 2: Thinking Positively

Chapter 3: Interviewing Skills

Chapter 4: Entry-Level Jobs

Chapter 5: Job Descriptions

Chapter 6: Must-Know Tips on Job Searches

Chapter 7: Online Job Searches

Chapter 8: Career Job Fairs

Chapter 9: Local Job Searches

Chapter 10: Identify Your Skills

Chapter 11: Ideal Resume

Chapter 12: Prepare for a Cold Call

Chapter 13: Being Invited

Chapter 14: How to Create Networking Contacts

Chapter 15: Follow Up & Network
Download this book today and get started on your successful career search.

Download FREE here: http://bit.ly/1xbY0WO
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Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubscribe here
This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service.
© 2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Friday, 26 December 2014

[New announcement] Negotiation Tactics for Job Seekers

Negotiations are risky. Almost as if you were on trial, anything you say can be used against you. You need to be prepared to negotiate at every step of the process--starting with your cover letter.

Ivy Exec can help you gain an edge with our guide: "Negotiation Tactics: How to Get What You Want."

Included in the guide:
-What you can and should negotiate
-How to lay the groundwork for your final negotiations from the moment you apply for a job
-Tips to raise your game during negotiations. Join Ivy Exec today to receive the guide.

You will also be entered in a drawing to receive a free one-hour negotiation strategy coaching session with Staci Collins.

Join Ivy Exec: http://bit.ly/10gysDd

Use promo code: AS2010
About Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec provides 1 on 1 personalized career resources to help senior executives like you advance your career to new heights - from mentorship with industry veterans, to personalized search consultations, curated jobs, and relevant and insightful career-related content.

New about 50 Dubai Jobs posted today in http://www.DubaiRec.com
Post your classified adds in http://www.DubaiSimsar.com
Dubai Recruitment
Announcement in Dubai Recruitment
Negotiation Tactics for Job Seekers
Adil Ahmed
Owner, LinkYou.info
Negotiations are risky. Almost as if you were on trial, anything you say can be used against you. You need to be prepared to negotiate at every step of the process--starting with your cover letter.

Ivy Exec can help you gain an edge with our guide: "Negotiation Tactics: How to Get What You Want."

Included in the guide:
-What you can and should negotiate
-How to lay the groundwork for your final negotiations from the moment you apply for a job
-Tips to raise your game during negotiations. Join Ivy Exec today to receive the guide.

You will also be entered in a drawing to receive a free one-hour negotiation strategy coaching session with Staci Collins.

Join Ivy Exec: http://bit.ly/10gysDd

Use promo code: AS2010
About Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec provides 1 on 1 personalized career resources to help senior executives like you advance your career to new heights - from mentorship with industry veterans, to personalized search consultations, curated jobs, and relevant and insightful career-related content.

New about 50 Dubai Jobs posted today in http://www.DubaiRec.com
Post your classified adds in http://www.DubaiSimsar.com
Respond Now
Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubscribe here
This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service.
© 2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland