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Thursday, 31 July 2014

[New announcement] Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment

Read the latest news from Paul Healy
Pharmaceutical Jobs  Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Announcement in Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Bring Your Medical and Scientific Devices to Life
Paul Healy
Director, International Healthcare Recruitment [IHR]
Learn why medical device and scientific instrument manufacturers are exploiting 3D Interactive Technology for their marketing and sales.

If science teaches us anything, it's what we don't know. This is why the scientific instrument and medical device markets are progressing at light speed. As new and improved instruments and devices replace obsolete ones (in some cases every few months), so too must the marketing strategies and tactics for these industries. In this white paper, learn the value of 3D interactive technology for marketing professionals in medical devices and scientific instruments.

Download FREE here: http://bit.ly/1qNiPXw
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This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
©2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Momenul Ahmad Badhan has invited you to try Feedspot

Momenul Ahmad Badhan has invited you to join Feedspot - A place to organize and read all the sites you visit in one place. Feedspot makes checking your favorite sites as easy as checking your email.

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[New announcement] Bursa Kerja Indonesia

Read the latest news from Syahrezal .
Bursa Kerja Indonesia
Announcement in Bursa Kerja Indonesia
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin
Syahrezal .
Senior Consultant at MS Consulting
Kami atas nama moderator Group Bursa Kerja Indonesia mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1435 H. Mohon dimaafkan lahir dan batin atas segala kesalahan yang telah kami perbuat.

Kepada rekan-rekan yang sedang mudik ke kampung halamannya semoga diberikan kelancaran dan kemudahan sehingga bisa kembali dengan selamat.

Mudah-mudahan Lebaran tahun ini memberikan berkah dan kebahagian bagi anda dan keluarga serta memberikan semangat dan motivasi baru dalam bekerja dan berkarya.


** Klik/kunjungi www.virtualbizspace.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi pelatihan manajemen dan bisnis, jasa pembuatan software untuk bisnis, jasa pembuatan program ERP System dan berbagai keperluan perusahaan anda.

** Klik/kunjungi www.ms-consulting.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi jasa konsultan manajemen perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan penyusunan SOP dan sistem manajemen perusahaan, rekrutmen karyawan, dan Human Resources Management.
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This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
©2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Saturday, 26 July 2014

[New announcement] Dubai Recruitment

Read the latest news from Adil Ahmed
Dubai Recruitment
Announcement in Dubai Recruitment
Looking for a job? InterNations can help you in the following ways:
Adil Ahmed
Owner, LinkYou.info
Looking for a job? InterNations can help you in the following ways:

• Get to know members of InterNations vibrant expat communities, online and offline.

• Network and meet other professionals in Dubai at first class events.

• Find insider tips on getting a job in Dubai.

• Connect and make worthwhile business connections.

• Build your online personal international profile and start networking today!

Join InterNations today for FREE by clicking here

Kindest Regards,

Note:- With the new Dubai Recruitment site you will be able to find latest only Dubai Jobs at http://www.DubaiRec.com posted today
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This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
©2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

[New announcement] Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment

Read the latest news from Paul Healy
Pharmaceutical Jobs  Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Announcement in Pharmaceutical Jobs Biotech Life Science Healthcare Pharma & Medical Devices Careers HR Recruitment
Complimentary Pharmaceutical and Science Magazines
Paul Healy
Director, International Healthcare Recruitment [IHR]
1. "Pharmaceutical Processing" – Is the must-read information source for news of products, technologies and applications for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing professionals.
Subscribe FREE here: http://bit.ly/1o69syL (US only)

2. "The Scientist" – Is the magazine for life science professionals -- a publication dedicated to covering a wide range of topics central to the study of cell and molecular biology, genetics, and other life-science fields.
Subscribe FREE here:
http://bit.ly/1paHmS9 (US & Selected International)

3. "Life Science Leader" – The essential business tool for life science executives.
Download FREE here:
http://bit.ly/1o6bCOO (US Only)

4. "Nature Methods" - Provides techniques for life scientists and chemists.
Subscribe FREE here:
http://bit.ly/1o6dMhu (US, Europe & Selected International)

"Lab Manager" Magazine helps provide a forum and a framework to help lab professionals hire and supervise staff, establish a laboratory, and plan a coherent research program, while keeping the goals of good science and scientific discovery at the forefront.
Subscribe FREE here:
http://bit.ly/1g3QyDX (US & International)
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Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubcribe here
This email was intended for Muhammad Hatta (Manager and Pediatrician at Lina Clinic Tanjungbalai). Learn why we included this.
©2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland